Sunday, December 21, 2008

King George

I kinda like guns, I think they're cool - cool, kinda like in a movie way, like in a little kid playing army or cops and robbers in their yards or neighborhood. When you're a kid, or just a kid at heart ( grown-ups say, "immature"), they (guns) represent adventure and super heroics.
I also kinda like hunting, at least the idea of it. It too, revives the child in me. There's something primal about it. It makes me feel as if I could survive in the wilderness with nothing
more than a gun, a good hunting knife, a bit of rope, a couple of matches, and the tride and true Boy Scout motto of "Be Prepared".
However, I have only been hunting a few times in my life and found it to be not only incredibly boring but just plain sad. There was no movie-like stalk or chase. There was no campfire cooking of the game; under the stars at night, with "Home on the Range" playing in the background.
All of this being said, or more correctly written, I wish guns would go away.
Yes, I know what the US constitution and her dutiful supreme interpreters have had to say - in the United States of America people have a right to own guns - I just wish that they didn't.
Why can't US citizens convienently forget about that portion of their "rights" like US Christians often convienently forget or convienently modify the whole Lord's name in vain thing ?
I guess I'm just tired of hearing about people in the US shooting each other.



Anonymous said...

What you really want is for humanity to settle differences through non-violent means. Guns are just a tool, a means to an end. If guns were not a part of the equation, then you'd have to figure out a way to deal with the steak knife crisis. As long as humans are... well... human, I don't suppose you'll have much success with the guns or the steak knives.

Necessitatem ferre, non flere addecet.

JBM in Space said...

But it's much easier to kill with a gun. At least with a steak knife, one has a fighting chance.