Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Easter Cabbage.

- and the cabbage should become the symbol of all that is messed-up, fucked-up,bollocked-up, and just too wierd to understand...
...And a cabbage shall inherit the Earth.  

  I just wanted to buy a cabbage.
Cabbage and ham on Easter morning - brilliant idea. The only thing missing would be a proper pint of Guinness - not in Mexico though. It wasn't really morning any more, but still, it was Easter. I love Mexican food, but the idea was to cook something typical from the place I was from. I went to the outdoor market.
  I just wanted to buy a cabbage. I searched, stepped on a rotton tomato that managed to gracefully adorn my flip-flop clad feet.  No cabbage. Loads and loads of everything else from the fruit and vegetable world, but no cabbage.
  I went to the supermarket. I really didn't want to go.It was strange, I thought as I crossed through the stream of collectivos, vendors, and taxis, from the much less expensive outdoor market to the giant soul-fucking supermarket, that in a poor country, in the poorest state of that country, one couldn't purchase of the world´s all-time classic poor people foods. I went in, found the produce section and allelejah - cabbage ! The last lonely cabbage in the supermarket, perhaps the last lonely cabbage in the world. The sign above read 11 pesos per kilo, cool. I went to the woman who weighed, priced, and labeled it. Great, picked up the ham and headed to the check-out. The obviously bored girl working the register smiled, "¡ Hola ! Buenas tardes." She scanned the ham. She scanned the holy cabbage."Espere un momento por favor." Okay. Then a balding, middle-aged, chubby manager -type with a full mustache and a frazzled look in his eyes arrived. It really looked like he either hated his job or just didn't know what he was doing. He spoke with the cashier, typed some hyroglifics into the computer, quitely spoke to the cashier again, and left. The polite cashier then tells me that the cabbage was not in the computer's system and she couldn't sell it. What the fuck - the price was written on an offical sign of the store, the price was written on the label, and they couldn't sell the damn cabbage. Maybe it really was a holy cabbage, but I doubt anything holy could exsist in that evil monster of a store . Of course, the poor cashier was only doing her job, the chubby manager as well. What could they do ? I thought to myself, while smiling politely to the cashier and paying for the ham, if you can't sell it, why don't you just give it to me then ? I was totally perplexed, a little amused at the absurdity, and a even bit sad as I left, thinking about the future fate of that lonely cabbage.
 All around the world, all around Mexico, in Chiapas, at that very minute, that very second, maybe within moments away from where I was - someone was hungry, malnurished, starving - and I just wanted to buy a cabbage.
       P.S. I went to the same supermarket the next day, the same cabbage was still there...

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