Sunday, January 29, 2012

Serena de las Rosas

Walking the kids down shiny avenues.

"Maria santa, madre de dios, llena de tolerancia, el señor está con nosotros."

Up stairs to apartment - stench of heat.

"Bendicen le entre mujeres."

Scrubbing the floor, in the humid/quiet eve.

"Se bendice la fruta de su matriz, Jesús."

Drops of dirty water are catching a light.

"Santa María, Madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros pecadores."

Rosary beads bounced as she ran from guns -
hiding, huddling in the jungle -
crying to the moon, crying to above.

"A la hora de nuestra muerte ..."

Now in the new country, with more dreams than war -
washing away :
midnight screams.


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